Proper site prep is essential for the longevity, stability, and functionality of your new shed or backyard structure. Investing time in preparing the site correctly ensures that your structure is installed safely and maintains its durability over time. It also helps avoid potential issues like uneven settling or drainage problems.

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Site Prep for Sheds

For sheds, ensuring the site is within 24 inches of level is critical. While our team can block and level the site up to this threshold, leveling beyond 24 inches may require additional preparation, such as grading or creating a stable gravel base. Contacting our sales offices ensures you have expert guidance tailored to your specific situation.

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Prep for Gazebos, Pergolas, and Pavilions

For gazebos, pergolas, and pavilions, it’s crucial to have a solid foundation in place before delivery. This foundation might include a concrete slab or other stable base that matches the structure’s dimensions. Our team is happy to provide recommendations based on your needs. Please contact one of our sales offices for additional details.

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Prep for Playsets

Playsets require a location within 6 inches of level for proper installation. Uneven surfaces can compromise safety and stability, so leveling the area before delivery is essential. Whether it involves adding a compacted surface or minor adjustments to the ground, preparing the site ensures your playset is ready for use immediately after installation.

At Capitol Sheds, we’re committed to helping you every step of the way, including site preparation. Our knowledgeable team can provide expert advice on leveling, foundation options, and site requirements for your specific structure. If you have any questions or concerns about preparing your property, don’t hesitate to contact us. Proper preparation ensures a smooth installation process and helps your new shed or backyard structure perform optimally for years to come.